Tuesday, December 8, 2009


halifax, halifax,
you captured my heart, and i through you away
but i came crawling back like i most always do
and i have to admit
it was not just for you.

i came back for a few special people,
a couple ideas,
and a remembered feeling.

i thought it would be blissful.. sunshine and roses,
but halifax was crying and so i cried too.

i came with some friends who also had friends
so friends led to more friends
friends friends galore!!

alot of the times were so very good,
and most of the time i ate more pita than i should
have :)

i think every day, except one or two,
i found myself trying to find somthing to do,
so most of those days i would make the big hike,
up citadel hill to reinvent my life.
i thought up some wild and crazy ideas, then as i was laughing my way down the hill,
i would promise myself, and am promising still...

to be content with my life at the moment its in,
to enjoy the place and the people i'm with,
to always look back, but with only one eye,
to keep an ear and a hand to the ground so i'm strong,
to put my nose to the breeze, let my hair float in the wind,
with my other eye, to watch my feel to insure that they're dancing,
spread my heart between everything that makes it beat fast,
and as far as the future goes, i've got my mind and a hand for that,
dream up dreams that seem impossible to reach,
then feel things out, fumble along,
but dance breathe and keep my lips filled with song.

hooray hooray hooray! im going to colorado!

1 comment:

Joshua said...

well written. Hope colorado was a good time?